
Okay okay, I know I told everyone to get on me when I don't update. Unfortunately I forgot to mention I'd be out of town for a few days starting last Thursday. My bad guys! Anyway, at the 2/3 point in the month I'm a little behind on my goals. This is fine because I've really only been around and able to play for 9 days so far, so I think that 16 hrs. is pretty respectable. The plan for the rest of the month is to keep to my schedule and I should hit my goal of 40 hrs. Either way, I feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things and starting to learn more again... if I keep putting in the time and effort the results will come.

Month to date:
Hours: 16.5
Hands: 6500
Profit: -$350 (nice recovery after being down over 11BI)

Posted byM0NIKER at 2:31 PM  


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