mia / bad beats

Well it's been over a month since I posted... that's not so cool. October was pretty meh, think I won like 3 BI's at 200nl playing a very small volume. I really need to get my act together and transfer my moneys onto Stars. I have little to no motivation to sit on AP with 5 regs and a fish, and it's killing my volume. No excuse though... I'm the only one holding me back.

November has started off pretty much as horribly as it could have. It seems that I'm second best in every conceivable situation so far (A high flush vs straight flush, sets vs straights, QQ/KK/AK vs AA, etc etc etc). I honestly am very surprised that I'm only down 4 or 5 BI's right now this month.

In other news, my xbox360 broke last week. This makes it lucky #3 in the past 16 months, and it couldn't have happened at a worse time. Currently the lil machine from hell is getting all fixed up somewhere in Texas, and all I can do is wait until it comes back before I buy GOW2 and waste away some more of my life. God that game is fun... can't wait.

Posted byM0NIKER at 11:50 AM  


Ian Little said... December 24, 2008 at 10:34 AM  

Happy Xmas (assuming you're still alive, ldo).

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