time for a change?

Got a bit bored today so decided to dig through my 2008 stats at 100nl (I've decided not to even look at 2007 because the poker player from that year can't even be compared to the one I have been since I decided to take things seriously in January). The chart below shows my monthly progression, and the graph looks pretty snazzy too.

I really wanted to get in 50k hands at the level before deciding whether or not to move up stakes (regardless of what my bankroll was). I thought that this would give me a pretty good perspective of how well I was doing at the level and provide the confidence necessary to tell myself that "no matter how horribly your start off at 200nl, you'll always know that you can rebuild at 100nl to the tune of X ptbb/100." Well, as it turns out, X has ended up being above 5 ptbb/100. Personally I think this could be higher, but hey, stats don't lie. And it's not like I'm exactly upset at this number.

That being said, I've played around at 200nl for a little bit on AP, and even though there are more regulars there I don't see a huge change in play from 100nl -- maybe a little more 3betting, but hey, it's not like that's the worst thing in the world. Bigger pots mean bigger mistakes from opponents post-flop! I'm also pretty confident that I'll be able to run at 2 ptbb/100 or greater from the start (I didn't run at lower than 2.7 for any month at 100nl), which should mean that my bankroll will continue to grow at the same rate.

Enough with the talk... time to take the plunge. Good luck me (200nl @ AP / 100nl @ PS ftw!)

Posted byM0NIKER at 10:44 AM 6 comments  

july results

Holy crap did this month suck in terms of volume. I was just not around to play much at all. I did manage to keep up on the Leggo videos though, and talking through hands with malfaire always helps to improve my game. During the month I played a little bit of 100nl on PStars and also a few sessions of 200nl at AP. Overall I think I did pretty well... just need to carve out more time to sit down and play (which will be tough in August with my bday and vacation coming up). Maybe if I get my act together this fall I'll be at 400nl by the start of 2009!

July Results:

Table Profit: $808.07
ABS Rakeback: $101.55

July Goals Review:
  • 10k hands total -- FAIL (hah, not even close... and it was a low goal anyway!)
  • 9k bankroll mark -- FAIL (got close... $8700 to close the month)
  • Watch all new Leggo vids -- SUCCESS
  • One sweat per: Ian, Brian, Mark -- FAIL (1 out of 3)
  • Watch all new Leggo vids -- SUCCESS
  • Contact Greg for SSNL Tapes -- FAIL (is it a failure if he *NEVER* responds?)
  • 200nl shot -- SUCCESS

Posted byM0NIKER at 9:49 AM 1 comments