weekly update #15

14 Apr - 20 Apr:
2,288 hands (100nl)
11.24 ptbb/100

Didn't get as many hands in this week as I would have liked, but I'll take it since I didn't really have a chance to sit until Thursday night. With softball starting up and weekends starting to yield some decent weather (high 70's and sunny), it seems as though it will be increasingly difficult to carve out time for poker. Here's hoping malfaire keeps me on track.

Continued to watch and learn from Leggo's vids, particularly late position aggression and finding spots where AP villains are 'one and done' kinda guys. Knowing when I can profitably double barrel has had a huge impact on my overall play. I've also been working on upping my Att. to Steal Blinds (from 24% thru March to 32% since April) and my Won $ When Saw Flop (33% thru Mar. to 38%). To me, attaining certain "ideal stats" is a waste of time, but I like to see that I am effectively opening up my game in late position and taking away pots where neither me nor my opponent make a good hand. I believe aejones was the one who stated in one of his vids that most of the time both you and your opponent flop jack shit, whether it be a weakish pair or nothing at all. The more skilled player will be able to take these pots down, and therefore increase their winrate. Now that I am starting to understand that, I'm working to incorporate that level of thinking into my game and steal away pots where the villain isn't likely to have a hand that he is willing to get to showdown with.

Anyway, I'll post some problem hands once I've had a chance to browse through the sessions.

Posted byM0NIKER at 1:27 PM  


Ian Little said... April 22, 2008 at 2:03 PM  

Sounds like you're trucking along on the right track, m8.

Malfaire said... April 25, 2008 at 2:37 PM  

You keep yourself on track, beeyatch!

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