weekly update #22
23 June 2008
16 June - 22 June:
417 hands (100nl)
11.28 ptbb/100
Wasn't too available to play this week... softball, live cardgame with co-workers, and visiting home took precedence. These one session weeks need to end, especially with the purchase of my latest toy (read: 30" Samsung monitor). Oh, and if anyone has any idea on the easiest and most efficient way to withdraw funds from AP (US account) in $1000 chunks that would be greatly appreciated... I have a little bit too much sitting online for my liking. Thanks!
Posted byM0NIKER at 11:51 AM 0 comments
weekly update #21
9 June - 15 June:
1,703 hands (100nl)
11.14 ptbb/100
164 hands (200nl)
(78.33) ptbb/100
See previous post to see my thoughts on 200nl at the moment. Haven't really been playing top notch as of late, but still continue to pummel 100nl at AP, so I guess that's a plus. Probably would have been a breakeven week if I hadn't gone completely brain dead on this hand. I don't think there's any way I should be stacking off with such a low flush here in a limped pot... (yay for me limping and not raising, whiskey tango foxtrot?).
Posted byM0NIKER at 11:33 AM 0 comments
welcome to 200nl
15 June 2008
Thanks for trying, please come again. This is how my shot of 200nl greated me:
Hand 1:
Pretty easy to get away from this, but sometimes I'm stubborn.
Hand 2:
Don't think I like my line, and when I get in here my equity is never great, but still... wtf?
Hand 3:
Do not pass go... do not collect $200.
Screw you 200nl; you are the devil! (I'll be back)
Posted byM0NIKER at 2:10 AM 4 comments
weekly update #20
10 June 2008
2 June - 8 June:
3,100 hands (100nl)
4.45 ptbb/100
Not much to say about the beginning of June... it's been pretty meh but I did manage to get in a good amount of hands. I think there are 2 reasons behind this: 1.) I'm starting to mix in some 6-tabling and 2.) Absolute's BBJ was ridiculously high and I really wanted to get me some. Also interesting is the fact that I eclipsed the 8k bankroll goal, so I've started datamining the 200nl games on AP. I also need to figure out how to withdraw some of this cizash so I can buy myself a dandy little 30" monitor. 12-tablin' is for ballaz.
Posted byM0NIKER at 3:04 PM 0 comments
05 June 2008
Going through my PT database earlier this morning and noticed something funny. Apparently I figured something out since starting anew this year and really focusing on improving my game. The following graphs show the difference in my 100nl 6max play from 2007 vs. 2008. All I can say is "lollercoasters... I used to suck."
Posted byM0NIKER at 3:40 PM 2 comments
may results
03 June 2008
Going to start off by saying that I'm gonna skip the last weekly review for May. Needless to say, I smashed faces. Monster month for me in terms of results and growth (IMO); not so much in terms of volume of play. I know that I want to get a ton more hands in on Poker Stars, but would rather wait until PT3 is stable and go from there. In the meantime, I'll take advantage of the ridiculously soft AP games and rack up the rakeback. If I move to PStars, I really need to be getting in a bunch of hands in order to convert VPPs to bonus moneys to soften the blow of no rakesbacks.
In other news, Greg from Leggo finally got back to me about the SSNL Group -- no go. Apparently he's too busy at the moment with travel, Vegas, etc. to devote time to another group, which is understandable. He did, however, offer to sell me the audio tapes (12 hrs or so) from the last session at a reduced price. I'm seriously considering this option, even though I know I'm a visual person and would rather have some sort of interaction. On the other hand, it's probably better than straight lessons, so we'll see. Anyway, on to the results...
May Results:
Table Profit: $1,877.41
ABS Rakeback: $120.91
May Goals Review:
- 2,500 hands / wk -- MINOR FAIL (final week was well over)
- 25% hands played on PStars -- N/A (PT3 still buggy... waiting game)
- Make 15 buyins at 100nl -- SUCCESS
- One sweat / wk -- FAIL (although Ian really is a lucky charm when sweating)
- Watch all new Leggo vids -- SUCCESS
- Weekly reviews -- MINOR SUCCESS (still need to do more hand analysis)
- Sign up for SSNL -- N/A (see above)
Posted byM0NIKER at 2:09 PM 3 comments